# Smart September New Letter:- Smart DNA Foundation (Key)

Wednesday, 18 October 2017
#smart business idea +smart leadership=Great sustainable business model September is still the continuation of the August month in creating a smart DNA foundation for company. Smart leadership is key in building smart team for a great company. All great companies namely Apple, Google, Sale force, Ibm have created a smart DNA foundation on which all business ideas , company global venture partnerships, mergers , acquisitions smart inno-cirle teams. Smart team leaders. This an vital aspect even when you still working the business plan of your company in identifying your 8 Stalk holders 1. Smart customers 2. Smart employers 3. Smart employee 4. Banks 5. Governments 6. Suppliers 7. The community 8. Referrals Smart8 Stalk holders 1. Smart customers 2. Smart employers 3. Smart employee 4. Banks 5. Governments 6. Suppliers 7. The community 8. Referrals Smart Genius Question for the Month. "What is your brand Position in the Global world “Jackson Mutebi Smart vacancy Smart independent worldwide consultancy is looking new highly innovative talented individuals to join their smart team in areas of green technology, public relations and fundraising departments. We are still are growing company looking for young talented global innovative leaders to join our existing smart team to promote the company the goals and objectives. Thanks for your cooperation lovely week Jackson Mutebi Please join our Social Network groups 1. https://www.facebook.com/mutebi73/ 2. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Smart-Green-global-sustainable-millionaries-229169920470591/photos/?ref=page_internal 3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/152606812738/?ref=bookmarks 4. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacksonmutebiandrewkyazze12345/?ppe1 5. https://twitter.com/mutebi73 6. http://www.smartgw.com 7. http://www.smartgvcfunding.com https://www.amazon.co.uk/Innovation-DNA-Powerhouse-Forward-Thinking-ebook/dp/B00FF5DKRU


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