Being in the network marketing industry can be very rewarding if your are successful. Building your business can be very frustrating as you make your climb to the top. Below are the top 10 frustrations faced by all of us in network marketing.
1. No One To Talk To- You have already exausted your warm market list or friends and family. This is the first place that your upline sponsor tells you to go. This is not the greatest idea all the time because you don’t want to alienate your friends and family. Also, most of your friends and family are not qualified to go into business for themselves anyway. You need to have a way to attract people that are looking for an opportunity.
2. No Money To Market Your Business – In order to be successful in network marketing you have to be able to advertise your business and this takes money. Because of this, new marketers begin to spend more money than they are actually making and they tend to drop out of business because of this.
3. Don’t Know How To Market – Many network marketers know how to network but they don’t know how to market. It’s called network marketing not network networking. You need to find a way to learn how to market your business if you want to be successful.
4. Your Autoship Has Just Become Another Bill – It takes time to build up a residual income in network marketing and when you are paying $100 a month and receiving little to nothing for it it becomes frustrating.
5. No Upline Support – Your upline swears that they are going to help you but once they sign up they are no where to be found.
6. Constantly Having To Recruit – Becausee it’s hare for a new recruit to make money in network marketing they tend to drop out after 60-90 days so you are constantly recruiting to fill the holes in your downline.
7. Not Enough Quality Leads – Lead Generation is the life blood of your network marketing business, but buying leads is not the answer. You must learn to generate your own highly targeted leads.
8. Credibility – When you first start out in network marketing you have to build up your credibility. People don’t want to follow anyone who has no experience.
9. Duplication – Once you recruit people into your organization they don’t know how to duplicate your efforts. They just sign up and don’t do any work.
10. No Way To Follow Up – The old philosophy in network marketing is “Some will. Some won’t. So what. So Next.” If you have an autoresponder you can keep in touch with the prospects that don’t join your business. You would still be able to send them information about your company and/or products & services even though they said no to your primary opportunity.
In order to solve all of these frustrations you need to have a system in place that will provide training for you and that shows how to use the internet to market your network marketing business. There are may systems out there but you want to choose the one that brands you as a leader. Having a system in place can be the difference in being successful or failing in your network marketing business.
To Your Prosperity!
P.S. -Tired of being frustrated? Get the system that works! – Click Here!
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My Lead System Pro (MLSP) to Host It’s First Live Event: Live The Dream
MLSP or My Lead System Pro (fka MLM Lead System Pro) is to host it’s first live international event in Las Vegas, NV on October 2nd & 3rd. MLSP’s Live The Dream Event will show how ordinary people has accomplished extraordinary income using what they have learned from this educational marketing system. This past week MLSP lauched its’ five video training series featuring MLSP leaders and industry experts.
This free 5 video training series include stories like: How a broke 21 year old kid $20K in debt hit a 6-figure income at 22 years old mak ing as much as $12,000 in 4 hours. How a fore closed real tor gen er ated over $100,000 in her first 10 months online. How a strug gling net worker increased his con ver sions over 67% with 1 sim ple web site tweak. How a bank rupt real estate devel oper hit $1.5 mil lion per year in his 2nd year of busi ness.
The free videos also show: How a mar ket ing wiz ard gen er ates up to 1,967 leads per day. How a guy with ZERO inter net mar ket ing expe ri ence hit 134 leads PER DAY for FREE his first 4 months online. How 2 dudes spon sored 151 reps in 1 hour.
When asked to comment on the event the founders (Norbert Orlewicz, Brian Fanale, and Todd Schlomer) replied: “We’re very excited to announce the launch of the “Live The Dream” Live event to be held on October 2nd & 3rd in Las Vegas, Nevada. We can’t be more excited to share these valuable content with people and to show them what’s possible.”
MLSP is an educational internet marketing system and community that was lauched in 2008. In this short time, MLSP has attracted a host of great internet and network marketing minds. The goal of MLSP is to help entreprenuers break thier own barriers by teaching proven attraction marketing principles. MLSP shows the average marketer how to brand his or herself as a leader by providing websites that brand each individual marketer.
To Your Prosperity!
P.S. – Want to Join our community? – Click Here!
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Short On Funds? – A Funded Proposal Could be the Answer
What is a Funded Proposal? A funded proposal concept is based on charging your prospects for a low priced front end product or service. In the internet marketing world this could be an e-book or software that will help your prospects in their online business. There are three main benefits to having a funded proposal: Up front capital to help you build your business, Downline Retention, and the ability to build a list of highly qualified leads.
Believe it or not, 95-97% of the people that you speak to are not going to join your primary business. You need a way to profit from the prospects that tell you no. By offering your own product or by promoting an affiliate product, you can earn upfront capital to build your primary business. You can also begin to stop spending more money than you are actually making.
Having a funded proposal will also help you to maintain your downline. If you can help show your downline a way to get into profit quickly then they can afford to stay in your organization longer than the typical 60-90 days. Therefore, you can spend more time training your reps to duplicate your efforts instead of constantly recruiting to try to replace the reps that are dropping out of your organization.
A funded proposal can also help you build a list of qualified leads. Once a person buys your product or service, they become part of your list. They began to view you as a leader because you recommended a quality product to them that is helping them in their business. Because of this they are more likely to buy what you recommend in the future or maybe even join your primary opportunity.
Well now you may be wondering how to set up a funded proposal. You don’t have to necessarily do it yourself. There are many marketing systems available. Make sure that you join a system that already has the funded proposal in place. Also, make sure that the system that you join brands you as a leader. You also want to look at the other members of the system. You want to be in the company of people that are on top of their game. You want to able to network with people who are having the kind of success that you want to have. You also want to join a system that is duplicatable – this one of the keys to building a successful network marketing business.
A funded proposal is not intended to become a revenue stream but it can be. Especially if your funded proposal system has multiple affiliate products that you can earn money from. If you are a newbie to network marketing or even if you are not new and are struggling in network marketing, a funded proposal can mean the difference between surviving or failing in network marketing. A funded proposal is a key factor in helping you stay afloat while you are building your business.
To Your Prosperity!
P.S. – Do You Need A Funded Proposal? – Click Here!
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Tracey E. Mitchell
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Pulling Your Hair Out? – Top 10 Network Marketing Frustrations
My Lead System Pro (MLSP) to Host It’s First Live Event: Live The Dream
Short On Funds? – A Funded Proposal Could be the Answer
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Video: Interview with Kellie Kuecha
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Tracey Mitchell on Short On Funds? – A Funded Proposal Could be the Answer
Mutebijackson on Short On Funds? – A Funded Proposal Could be the Answer
Tracey Mitchell on Short On Funds? – A Funded Proposal Could be the Answer
Gisele W Wright on Short On Funds? – A Funded Proposal Could be the Answer
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