Tuesday, 10 April 2018
"It’s the people who you aren’t necessarily closest to who often can do the most for you," Sociologists call this Weak Ties Theory, which describes the powerful effect random connections can have on your life. Your very close friends, your family members tend to know the same people that you do, they know the same opportunities that you do. But it’s that next circle, that slightly wider circle that’s likely to bring in new opportunities for you. This isn't about adding more friends on Facebook, making vision boards, or seeing if your friend has heard of any great jobs lately. Specificity is absolutely key—you have to know what you want. Then, when you have the opportunity to talk to someone in outside your circle—your gym instructor, or someone you hired to do your business consultation—and you mention a specific goal, you might be surprised at who or what they know that can help you out. Luck is a random phenomenon, but building your own luck circle and putting yourself in the right places will result in unexpected and fantastic opportunities. Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Real, kick-ass Entrepreneurs always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity. Seize every opportunity and make use of your time. Time is currency. # 2018 Smart Genius Question for the Month: - Moon shot? "what is type of smart game changer are you? # 2018 Smart Genius Morning Tip for the Month. Take 10 minutes of each your morning to review your ‘smart eco-do list ‘Jackson mutebi Smart vacancies Smart independent worldwide consultancy is looking new highly innovative talented individuals to join their smart team in areas of green technology, public relations and fundraising departments. We are a growing company looking for young talented global innovative leaders to join our existing smart team to promote the company the goals and objectives. Thanks for your cooperation lovely week Jackson Mutebi Please join our Social Network groups 1. https://www.facebook.com/mutebi73/ 2. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Smart-Green-global-sustainable-millionaries-229169920470591/photos/?ref=page_internal 3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/152606812738/?ref=bookmarks 4. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacksonmutebiandrewkyazze12345/?ppe1 5. https://twitter.com/mutebi73 6. http://www.smartgw.com 7. http://www.smartgvcfunding.com 8. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Innovation-DNA-Powerhouse-Forward-Thinking-ebook/dp/B00FF5DKRU

# Smart 2018 January New Letter: - Smart Global Eco- Champions Key Element for DNA Foundation (Sustainable Business Models )

Tuesday, 13 February 2018
# Happy new year to you all Eco-Stalk-holders #smart business idea +smart leadership+ smart champions=Great sustainable business model Smart independent world -wide consultancy would like to take this opportunity to wish you all happy a new year 2018. Last year the company focused on rethinking and creating eco-DNA foundation for any existing business model. This year the focus is identifying, nurturing, and empowering eco-global champions within any business models. #Smart Eco Global -champions (Game changers) Smart eco- global champions are game changers, green global leaders to rethink or revolutionize and implement new eco-sustainable business model with a traditional business model (toxic business model) creating green value proposition (green return on investment) to all eco-stalk holders whilst creating a smart green economy. Smart8 Stalk holders 1. Smart customers 2. Smart employers 3. Smart employee 4. Banks 5. Governments 6. Suppliers 7. The community 8. Referrals # 2018 Smart Genius Question for the Month Moon shot? "how many eco-global champions do you have in your business model “Jackson Mutebi. # 2018 Smart Genius Morning Tip for the Month. Take 30 minutes of each your morning to review your ‘smart eco-do list ‘Jackson mutebi # 2018 Smart Genuis Monthly MiniBuzz chat Thought. “Create a Me environment to broad your Power of imaginations” Jackson Mutebi Smart vacancies Smart independent worldwide consultancy is looking new highly innovative talented individuals to join their smart team in areas of green technology, public relations and fundraising departments. We are a growing company looking for young talented global innovative leaders to join our existing smart team to promote the company the goals and objectives. Thanks for your cooperation lovely week Jackson Mutebi Please join our Social Network groups 1. https://www.facebook.com/mutebi73/ 2. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Smart-Green-global-sustainable-millionaries-229169920470591/photos/?ref=page_internal 3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/152606812738/?ref=bookmarks 4. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacksonmutebiandrewkyazze12345/?ppe1 5. https://twitter.com/mutebi73 6. http://www.smartgw.com 7. http://www.smartgvcfunding.com 8. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Innovation-DNA-Powerhouse-Forward-Thinking-ebook/dp/B00FF5DKRU

# Smart September New Letter:- Smart DNA Foundation (Key)

Wednesday, 18 October 2017
#smart business idea +smart leadership=Great sustainable business model September is still the continuation of the August month in creating a smart DNA foundation for company. Smart leadership is key in building smart team for a great company. All great companies namely Apple, Google, Sale force, Ibm have created a smart DNA foundation on which all business ideas , company global venture partnerships, mergers , acquisitions smart inno-cirle teams. Smart team leaders. This an vital aspect even when you still working the business plan of your company in identifying your 8 Stalk holders 1. Smart customers 2. Smart employers 3. Smart employee 4. Banks 5. Governments 6. Suppliers 7. The community 8. Referrals Smart8 Stalk holders 1. Smart customers 2. Smart employers 3. Smart employee 4. Banks 5. Governments 6. Suppliers 7. The community 8. Referrals Smart Genius Question for the Month. "What is your brand Position in the Global world “Jackson Mutebi Smart vacancy Smart independent worldwide consultancy is looking new highly innovative talented individuals to join their smart team in areas of green technology, public relations and fundraising departments. We are still are growing company looking for young talented global innovative leaders to join our existing smart team to promote the company the goals and objectives. Thanks for your cooperation lovely week Jackson Mutebi Please join our Social Network groups 1. https://www.facebook.com/mutebi73/ 2. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Smart-Green-global-sustainable-millionaries-229169920470591/photos/?ref=page_internal 3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/152606812738/?ref=bookmarks 4. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacksonmutebiandrewkyazze12345/?ppe1 5. https://twitter.com/mutebi73 6. http://www.smartgw.com 7. http://www.smartgvcfunding.com https://www.amazon.co.uk/Innovation-DNA-Powerhouse-Forward-Thinking-ebook/dp/B00FF5DKRU

# Smart August New Letter:- Smart DNA Foundation

Monday, 11 September 2017
# Smart August New Letter:- Smart DNA Foundation #smart business idea + smart leadership=Great sustainable business model August has been a very busy month in creating a smart DNA foundation for company. Smart green leadership is key in any company formation or foundation. All great companies namely Apple, Google, Sale force, Ibm have created a smart DNA foundation on which all business ideas , company global venture partnerships, mergers , acquisitions smart inno-cirle teams. Smart team leaders. This an vital aspect even when you still working the business plan of your company in identifying your 8 Stalk holders 1. Smart customers 2. Smart employers 3. Smart employee 4. Banks 5. Governments 6. Suppliers 7. The community 8. Referrals Smart Genius Question for the Month. "How many smart ideas have thought about and what is your action plan?" Jackson Mutebi Thanks for your cooperation lovely week Jackson Mutebi 1. https://www.facebook.com/mutebi73/ 2. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Smart-Green-global-sustainable-millionaries-229169920470591/photos/?ref=page_internal 3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/152606812738/?ref=bookmarks 4. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacksonmutebiandrewkyazze12345/?ppe1 5. https://twitter.com/mutebi73 6. http://www.smartgw.com 7. http://www.smartgvcfunding.com 8. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Innovation-DNA-Powerhouse-Forward-Thinking-ebook/dp/B00FF5DKRU

#Smart EMini Chat Buzz

Thursday, 24 August 2017
Great business models that is as start-up companies, multinational companies are led by outstanding visionaries/Great innovators with a great-clear vision and corporate strategic plan in achieving healthy bottom line. Smart Genius Question? Who is your competitor and what are their competitive advantages over your customers? How far is my business plan? Smart millionaire Quote “Stick with Plan A because Plan B sucks “Chris Gardner Smart innovation club “Innovation is the backbone of any business model” Jackson Mutebi Lovely week Jackson Mutebi https://www.facebook.com/pg/mutebi73/photos/?ref=page_internal https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacksonmutebiandrewkyazze12345/ https://www.facebook.com/pg/Smart-Green-global-sustainable-millionaries-229169920470591/photos/?ref=page_internal https://www.amazon.co.uk/Innovation-DNA-Powerhouse-Forward-Thinking-ebook/dp/B00FF5DKRU https://www.facebook.com/groups/152606812738/ https://twitter.com/mutebi73

#Smart June Newsletter Moving Forward

Monday, 10 July 2017
It has been a busy month of June with full training of the developing idea and turning it into business through attending the D2 Business seminar with East Midlands chamber of commerce being conducted highly professional people. Get benefit in working on the business plan detail from just an idea to business plan. Great experience sharing ideas in developing the business plan. At the end of Month smart independent worldwide consultancy presented it first book Innovation in DNA: -The powerhouse of forward thinking to YMCA residents igniting their Inner DNA in creating a new path to success. This high light the need to ignite our inner power by following through 10 innovation cycle as the book. Great presentation looking forward to another in-depth with the residents. Lastly, I attended the online marketing seminar which was awesome still at the East midlands chamber of commerce learning in depth about online marketing strategies namely SEO optimisation, google AdWords, Blogging, Thanks for your cooperation Please our Social Network groups 1. https://www.facebook.com/mutebi73/ 2. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Smart-Green-global-sustainable-millionaries-229169920470591/photos/?ref=page_internal 3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/152606812738/?ref=bookmarks 4. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacksonmutebiandrewkyazze12345/?ppe1 5. https://twitter.com/mutebi73

#Smart Imagination =#Smart creativity

Monday, 29 May 2017
2017 calls for all smart entrepreneurs game changers to rethink their business models using the smart DNA power and formulae #smart Imagination=#smart creativity. This where global game changers empower their team to recreate the a new imagination of all the there b business ideas fostering provide more creativity through team collaboration in contributing to problem at hand or business idea to be implemented resulting to a better sustainable business models thanks yours Jackson Mutebi

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