Smart green global DNA Snap-shot for smart green global game changers in these unprecedented Times (global recession)

Tuesday, 17 July 2012
1. Smart green global mini millionaire DNA- comprises of a smart green global mini millionaire mind set and smart green global mini millionaire green print to eco –rethink and eco- build green global millionaire business model 2. Smart green global giant millionaire DNA – comprises of a smart green global giant millionaire mind mindset program and smart green global giant millionaire green print to eco –rethink yet eco -build a green global giant millionaire business models 3. Smart green global mini multi- millionaire DNA – consists a smart green global mini multi – millionaire mindset program and smart green global mini multi millionaire green print to eco –rethink yet eco- build a green global mini multi- millionaire business model 5. Smart green global giant multi millionaire DNA – comprises a smart green global giant multi millionaire mindset program and smart green global giant multi millionaire green print to eco –rethink yet eco- build a green global giant multi – millionaire business model 4. Smart green global mini –billionaire DNA- comprises a smart green global mini -billionaire mindset program and smart green global – billionaire green print to eco –rethink yet eco- build a green global mini billionaire business model. 5. Smart green global giant –billionaire DNA – comprises a smart green global giant –billionaire mindset program and smart green global giant green print to eco-rethink yet eco-build a green global giant billionaire business model. 6. Smart green global mini -multi billionaire DNA- comprises a smart green global mini multi –billionaire mindset program and smart green global mini- multi billionaire green print to eco-think yet eco-build a green global mini-multi billionaire business model. 7. Smart green global giant multi- billionaire DNA- comprises a smart green global giant multi –billionaire mindset program and smart green global multi billionaire green print to eco-think yet eco-build a green global giant multi –billionaire business model. These are unprecedented times where governments, multi -national companies small medium enterprises , start-ups are looking for quick fixings within their traditional business models re-thinking new policies, new winning formulas, in within their global strategies for a sustainable global total bottom-line (stbl). Green global players will be determined with new green recession proof sustainable business model to reduce the level of toxic waste (carbon waste) in their green global businesses N.B- Take an hour of your time and your green winning team to re-assess or review these green global DNA questions 1. What is your smart green global business model DNA? 2. What is your smart green global green print? 3. How is your smart green business model DNA positioned global? 4. What smart eco-global metrics ( mini and giant ) is my smart green business model DNA 5. What steps and new mini and giant recession proof green business model have you executed? 6. How is your smart green business model DNA positioned in the new green capitalism ERA 7. What is your green global network with smart green global synergies, smart green ventures, yet partners to fill in eco -economic, eco- political, eco-technology and eco –legal and social? 8. What eco global - mentoring yet eco-coaching programs has your smart green business model DNA developed 9. How many eco- young green global entrepreneurs have your eco-coached and eco-mentored to develop new top-line green recession proof business models? 10. What is your smart green total recession proof bottom line yet smart eco- scoreboard? Smart independent world wide consultancy is your eco-global green partner is achieving your eco- green total bottom line with new smart green global game changers tools to help your green company in these unprecedented times ( global slow melt down) for global sustainable future. Thanks Jackson Mutebi (smart team) Email:, Tel: +447518756263

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